Casey Jade



The weather in London is so amazing today! It feels just like I'm back on the Gold Coast. Hot and humid and a thunderstorm to top it off. I feel right at home :) A summer's day isn't complete without an icy pole of some description and lemon and mint made the perfect combination for… READ MORE


Some of my best recipes are the ones where no planning is involved. I stand in the kitchen, look at the ingredients I have on hand and get to work. Simple! Every time I see overripe bananas sitting in my fruit bowl, I know it's the start of something delicious. And delicious these muffins were… READ MORE


I have a confession! Until a couple of weeks ago, I was a food blogger unable to successfully cook an omelette. I know....gasp!  I would always end up with scrambled eggs, which tasted great but didn’t resemble what I was actually trying to make. I was speaking to my Dad recently who was telling me… READ MORE

I was so excited to make these beetroot chips and I'm even more excited to share them with you! The result was amazing and I think you are going to love them. Beetroot is something that features regularly in my diet because it's so healing for the liver and gallbladder. These beetroot chips are coated… READ MORE


I definitely had my hand in the cookie jar over the weekend. These cookies are to die for! Normally I’m not a massive cookie fan, but when it came to these, I had to muster all my self-discipline to stop from having a fourth in one day! They are made with almond flour which keeps… READ MORE


Before I tell you about this favourite new recipe of mine, I wanted to share with you guys a big change in my life that I've recently made. Last week was my first week of moving to part-time employment at my office job. It was a huge decision and a long time coming. I finally… READ MORE


Where do I even start with this smoothie! It’s seriously delicious! It tastes like a treat and is packed full of goodness. I wish I could take all the credit for this wonderful creation but I got the original idea from Deliciously Ella. I’ve adapted it slightly but her original recipe was so amazing that… READ MORE

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This recipe was inspired by my gorgeous friend Zara, who loves peanut butter! I’m blessed to have such an amazing person in my life, so I wanted to make a recipe especially for her. She’s always sharing her handy little stash of delicious snacks, so I felt it was time for me to share the… READ MORE


Even though giving up alcohol has been one of the biggest blessings to come out of getting Typhus, occasionally I feel like something a little fancier than water, and so this delicious virgin cocktail was born. The base is made with mineral water and ginger beer and flavoured with fresh raspberries and mint. It also… READ MORE

It’s a happy day today! Its been one year since I started sharing recipes with all you wonderful people! I've loved every minute of it and am so excited about the future! I've developed an absolute love for food photography and am so blessed to able to connect with people from all over the world… READ MORE


On Sunday, I watched thousands of men and women willingly push themselves to the limit physically, emotionally and mentally in a Tough Mudder event. As I watched them jump into ice cold water, crawl through live electrical wires and run over 12 miles through mud and treacherous terrain, my heart went out to them. Yes… READ MORE


Around the holiday season last year, I posted a recipe for maple cinnamon roasted almonds and I loved them so much I decided to make a variation. These maple and cinnamon roasted chickpeas are such a wonderful snack. It’s a great way to get a little extra protein in your diet and they are deliciously… READ MORE


This smoothie was meant to be a beautiful rich pink colour but I just couldn't help myself, at the last minute I had to add some spinach and now it's packed with an extra boost of nutrients! It’s so easy to add a handful of spinach to a smoothie and voila, you’ve got a big… READ MORE


With Easter approaching and hot cross buns filling the supermarket shelves, I was inspired to make a healthy alternative that wasn't filled with white flour and refined sugar. So needless to say, we’ve been eating a lot of hot cross buns over the last few days! It took me a couple of rounds to master… READ MORE


You might remember, a couple of weeks ago I posted a recipe for Spiced Roasted Cauliflower. After an afternoon of roasting and photographing cauliflower, this soup was born. I ate a whole lot of soup during the winter and while most weeks I find it difficult to deviate from my favourite red lentil soup, sometimes I… READ MORE


Having read that many cultures eat beans to bring good fortune for the year ahead, I made these on New Year’s Eve 2013. I figured everyone can use a little extra luck, and honestly I could eat beans and rice all the time so didn’t really need much convincing to jump on board. I’m sure… READ MORE


Last week I asked my lovely readers for some spring recipe ideas and when rhubarb was mentioned, I knew I needed to make a crumble. This year I’ve made a conscious effort to eat with the seasons and really listen to what my body needs and craves. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of mindful… READ MORE


Back in 2004, I visited a cocao farm when I was travelling in Cuba. I was in my early twenties and while I loved cooking, I had no real idea of where things like chocolate came from and how they were produced. While we were at the farm we got to crack open the gorgeous… READ MORE


The life of a food blogger means that I’m often making food at strange times of the day and following the natural light around my house to try and get the perfect photograph for my recipe. We had the most gorgeous natural light last Sunday, I absolutely loved shooting with the beautiful, soft natural light… READ MORE

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Spring has arrived! We had the most glorious weather in London over the weekend. It’s such a beautiful time of year with the trees budding and the birds singing. It brings a sense of excitement and joy. I spent time at the park with a good book and got a much needed dose of Vitamin… READ MORE


It’s pretty rare but occasionally I crave a big bowl of comforting pasta. When it comes to food, it’s no fun denying myself things, so I like to find a healthier alternative where I am still being kind to my body. This pasta sauce is heavenly! Butternut squash is roasted and then blended and pureed… READ MORE


I think my boyfriend has a hummus addiction! He seriously can’t get enough of the stuff. I've wondered if perhaps his body is craving more protein but I think the more likely reason is that he just really loves how creamy and delicious it is. I have a dirty little secret to tell you, I… READ MORE


Lacking in colour, and – let’s be honest – perhaps also in flavour, I don’t know about you guys but I think cauliflower can be kind of boring! So I felt the need to give this cruciferous vegetable some loving and spice things up a little. Gone are the days of boring cauliflower! This cauliflower… READ MORE


I was first introduced to the concept of overnight oats by Kath who runs the fantastic food blog called Kath Eats Real Food. It’s a perfect breakfast choice in warmer weather or if you know you’re going to be short on time in the morning. All you do is add some liquid to the oats and… READ MORE


Following on from the honey roasted carrots I posted earlier in the week, here’s a recipe in which they work wonderfully.  This soup is made with carrots, ginger and sweet potato and brings me so much comfort on a cold day. The last week or so winter has been getting to me. All I want… READ MORE
